Tapping into the state of nothingness

Melanie McGhee
2 min readOct 11, 2019


Are there any questions about NOTHINGNESS?

That question was followed by SILENCE and then a BIG laugh by the AAIT Fellowship Training Group this weekend.

All weekend we dove into how to use the stream of consciousness to resolve long held problems we and our clients have. Deep PEAT, developed by Zivorad Slavinski was the modality on which we focused.

Deep PEAT stands for Prime Energy Activation and Transcendence. In this method, we are activating and rapidly transcending and integrated triggered pain.

On the way to these deep layered integrations, some people enter an inner space of nothingness, for others, it’s a feeling of emptiness or just NOTHING.

What an interesting dilemma for counselors who are more familiar with charged CONTENT of thoughts, images, emotions, and sensations!

This nothingness can feel positive, negative or neutral.

It can be inside, outside or both.

Nothingness can feel like us or distinctly separate from us.

Resolving tension associated with states of empty consciousness helps our clients disrupt long held, unconscious resistance to states of calm and well-being.

Have you ever felt completely at ease and suddenly feel off-kilter or a glitch of tension? Do any of your clients get a little edgy with feeling ok?

It happens.

I LOVED watching how the AAIT FTG cohort learned to help navigate these waters. We all can recognize the value of being able to help our clients feel ok about feeling ok.

If you’d like to experience a bit of the preciousness of NOTHINGNESS for yourself, join us for the upcoming retreat, Nourishing Presence.


P.S. David Patterson and I are offering a DEEP discount for students. PM for info.



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